Welcome to Christ Church Winchester

I am so glad that you have made the time to join us here at Christ Church. We love welcoming new people into our community and inviting them to grow deeper in love with Jesus and serve his Kingdom here on earth. You can find out more about the church by coming along to a Newcomers’ Breakfast, which we hold termly.

Click the link below and fill in your contact details to receive our weekly newsletter and get informed when the next Newcomers’ Breakfast will be.

Revd. Simon Cansdale

As a church, we believe God is calling us to be a flourishing and generous regional centre of Christian worship, mission and discipleship.

Want to find out more about us? Follow the links below.


Our Ministries

At Christ Church Winchester, we love ministering to all ages and stages of life through both our Sunday gatherings AND midweek opportunities for discipleship and community.

Use the drop down menu to find out more about the areas of ministry that you are interested in.

  • Our 0-11s meet regularly both during Sunday services and midweek and love learning more about God through story, play and song.

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  • Our 11-18s love to grow deeper in community together and explore the Bible both on Sundays and midweek. They also go on lots of trips and residentials.

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  • Whether you’re at university, working, or on a gap-year, our community of 18-25s is a family of young adults running after Jesus together.

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  • Whatever stage you’re at, there are loads of opportunity for community at CCW for adults. We hold regular events for men and women, as well as inviting you to join a small group.

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  • We have both regular and seasonal events for the over-60s and/or retired, such as Cream Teas, Lent Courses and trips away.

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Join a team

The best way to find community here at Christ Church is to get stuck in with the life and mission of God’s Kingdom here in Winchester.

Small Groups

If you’re new to our congregation, the best way to get to know people is to join a Small Group. These communities gather both online and in-person across Winchester to worship, pray and read the Bible together.

Follow the link below to find out more and to get in contact with Sue, who oversees our Small Group Ministry.